Want to learn a new language? Try Transparent Language , an online language learning tool, available to all SWLS card holders!
The library has the perfect place to display your collection. Our talented Window Dressers tastefully arrange your collection in our display case and leave it there for a few weeks for the public to enjoy. We have exhibited Fishing Lures, Titanic items, Baskets & Postcards to start. We sneak in a few books to encourage yours (collecting) and our (learning) interests. If you have something you would like to display in our window, contact the library by phone or email.
E-Books and More
If you have a library card then you have access to e-books through Overdrive & other resources. Overdrive is a collection of e-books purchased through the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium and the Southwest WI Library System. This collection of e-books works with a variety of e-readers. If you are new to the e-book / library experience start at the Help part of the Overdrive website.
Special Collections
Thanks to generous contributors the library has been able to add to a few specific topics at the library. One of those is our Small Business Start Up Collection funded by the Crawford County Foundation.
The library also owns many books on Green Building. Madison Gas & Electric has helped build this collection through monetary donations. This collection includes books on straw bale construction, clean power from water and xeriscape landscape design to ‘green up’ your lifestyle. For the full range of the collection click here.